They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And, while I know that to be true, it still makes me want to pop the messenger right in the ol' kisser. Grrrr....
I'll be honest, right now Lance and I are struggling - him with his health and me with taking care of him and everything else. And, while I know that we will be stronger on the other side of this situation, it doesn't make it any easier. I love the man, but trust me when I say he hasn't been an easy patient.
He's been feeling more than a bit insecure and vulnerable. This translates to his being either afraid to do things on his own or trying to prove he can and mostly failing. Both of which require a lot more effort on my part.
It's been frustrating for both of us and we've been arguing more than ever. Add in that neither of us is getting much sleep and it's been a recipe for emotional and physical overwhelm.
Then, I saw this quote by Albert Einstein.

And it reminded me to shift my perspective, to reframe the situation as an opportunity for growth and a way to gather knowledge.
So, I decided to step back a bit and look at things through the lens of our Human Design profiles. I mean I knew that a lot of my anger and frustration stemmed from not being able to rest. Manifestors are not meant to be constantly go, go, going.
But, it was when I looked deeper into Lance's that the real aha moments happened.
You see, Lance has a 1/3 profile. The 1 means he is uncertain about things unless, or until, he has all the facts. The 3 means he has to experiment. Translation, he has to learn things the hard way, something he even told his doctor.
Once, I reminded myself of these traits, I was able to adjust my reactions.
For example, I knew Lance was trying to do too much too soon and I would argue with him. This just left us both angry and frustrated. Once, I decided to let him try the task and discover his capabilities (or lack there of) on his own, things went much smoother.
I'll admit, it isn't always easy to do that. My 6/2 profile wants to step in and make things easier. But, it's been a great exercise. I'm learning to follow my strategy of informing more while trying to honor Lance's need to investigate and experiment.
And, really, that's what leading a soul-driven life is all about - honoring our own uniqueness, and that of others.
If you want to learn more about your own unique Human Design, it's something we explore in the Mini Movement Magic Membership.